Photo voice no.21043003

Voice ID 21043003

A top voice professional with multinational corporate and national broadcasting clients and with 30 years of knowledge and voicing skills, Michael has the experience you need in a voice artist. A clean neutral accent. A rich authoritative tone. A true professional with a magnificent range of voices. Lovely to work with. A pristine quality studio. Satisfaction guranteed. Flawless attention to detail and rapid turnaround. Characters for animation, cartoon or gaming are his forte. Trained in radio in Dublin in the 1990s, and a trainer of presenting the voice on air, Michael has sculpted a go-to voice for any occasion. His voice has been booked by companies in Ireland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Japan, Ukraine, and Germany. Find your clear and confident voice in him today.

Voice style teen, young adult, senior
Voice timbre normal
Languages English (native), English (UK)